contact us
Send us an email
If you don’t mind waiting a bit, you can send us an email. We don’t check it daily as our time is spent one on one with our customers inside the shop. We will try to get back to you eventually though.
Thanks for your patience.
Our email is sacredmoonherbs (at)
Frequently Asked Questions
We are open Wednesday – Saturday 10am-5pm.
Phone Number: 512.858.7305
We are “west of weird”. Depending on traffic, you can be in beautiful Hill Country in about 30 minutes from west Austin. Come & spend the entire day in Dripping Springs. We have cute shops & yummy restaurants. If you visit us on Wednesdays, you’ll be able to attend our awesome Farmers Market from 3-6 pm at the triangle. You’ll see it on your way to Sacred Moon on Mercer Street.
You can reach us by giving us a call on our landline 512.858.7305. If we are busy with a shop packed full of lovely customers, we might not be able to pick up. We invite you to leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible. It’s really best to just come on in to Moon & experience it in person.
Yes! We ship all over the continental United States once a week. Right now you have to do it the old skool way. This means picking up the phone & calling us. While we are building out this new website, the day might come where you can click & buy, but for now we enjoy meeting our customers. 🙂
Your best way of staying in the loop is always Sacred Moon Herbs Facebook page. This is updated daily with posts & has been for years now. We post upcoming local Mercer Street events, our classes, our holistic friends classes, the latest herbal research, new products just in, our favorite books that we sell, new organic tea blends we’ve made, Sacred Moons Aromatherapy line, one-of-a-kind pieces of jewelry & so much more. Please check in on our page when you want to know what’s new! We will also have events posted on the event page.
No, just our little shop in Dripping Springs

We’re open Wednesday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m
305 Mercer Street, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620